Zebra Stone |
Zebra stone is a stone that can help us connect to mother earth andto the infinite energy and love in the universe. Zebra stone, bythese connections, can show us our own true natures and help us seepast illusion. Zebra stone is particularly effective at protectingones aura. Physically, zebra stone stimulates energy, and isbeneficial for stamina, endurance, bone disorders, osteoporosis,teeth, gums, muscle spasms, and heart palpitations. |
Zeolites |
Zeolites are a family of minerals and related minerals, includingapophyllite, chabazite, stilbite, heulandite, goosecreekite,laumonite, natrolite and others. Technically, zeolites are frameworksilicates with exchangeable cations and some of the mineralsconsidered zeolites metaphysically do not strictly fit the technicalcriteria, but are like “cousins” with some metaphysical propertiesthat are the same. In particular, zeolites are said to beextraordinarily helpful for absorbing and removing toxins, whetherit be in the environment or in a person. In a person, thismetaphysical aspect would make zeolites excellent healing stones,and they are often used in conjunction with Reiki. Zeolites are alsosaid to be useful for agriculture or gardening, especially when theyare buried in the field or garden. Zeolites are said to removenegative energy and bring in happiness where the negative energywas. Mystical healing lore says that zeolites are helpful forgoitre, addictions, detoxification, and bloating. Each individualtype of zeolite also has its own unique metaphysical properties. |
Zincite |
Zincite in metaphysical lore is a stone of synthesis. It can bringtogether seemingly disparate or chaotic energies and synthesize themto work together well. It is particularly well known from Melody’sbooks to synthesize energies of personal power, physical energy, andcreativity. This makes it a powerful stone for boosting creativeenergies in a way that brings creations to fruition. It is oftenused to remove energy blockages, as well as being used in Radionics.Zincite can also synthesize groups of people or things, bringingtogether like-minded people and promoting their efforts as a group.Yellow zincite in particular can bring or boost a strong sense ofones own personal power and enable one to use it. Zincite is used incrystal healing lore to treat chronic fatigue, AIDS and otherauto-immune problems, bronchitis, and candida, as well as preventionof epileptic seizure. Zincite is related to the lower chakras. |
Zoisite, Green |
Zoisite (green) is considered in mystical lore to be a stone thatbrings and enhances trust in the universe and trust in the ultimategoodness of life. This brings trust in general as well as releasesfears, which can bring a depth of happiness to ones life. Zoisite isalso said to bring energy and dispel laziness. Crystal healing lorepurports that zoisite is good for vitality, adrenal glands,reproductive organs, and strengthening the heart. Zoisite isassociated primarily with the heart chakra, but is sometimesassociated with the root and sacral chakras. |