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Yellow calcite stimulates the intellect. It can help one organizeintellectual thoughts and information. Yellow calcite also boostsone’s general energy level. From this, it increases one’s personalpower and sense of self-worth. Yellow calcite is also very helpfulfor psychic abilities and meditation. It assists with channelling,intuitive awareness, shamanic work, and other psychic activities. In the physical realm, yellow calcite benefits the stomach, upperintestines, upper back and upper spine.
Yellow Jasper
Yellow jasper has characteristics of helping one be strong andbalanced in the social arenas and protects ones social welfare. Itis associated with the solar plexus (belly) chakra. Yellow jasper isa protective stone that particularly gives protection during travel,both physical and spiritual. It also shields one from negativity,and can protect from depression.
Yttrian Fluorite
Yttrian Fluorite, also called Yttrium Fluorite or lavender fluoriteis an unusual form of purple fluorite. It is a stone ofmanifestation which is said to help ground the ideas ofphilosophers, thinkers, and dreamers by manifesting their plans. Itis said to make ideas come to life, and is a stone that is thus saidto bring self-fulfilment and self-actualization. We all have alittle bit of the dreamer in us, so it’s easy to see that theseenergies could be used by all. Yttrian fluorite’s mystical energiesare said to increase wealth and mental prowess, too. It is oftenused by those in service professions, as the manifestation energiesare in great need there. Its mystical energies of making complexideas and thoughts understandable by most anyone can also beextremely helpful. Yttrian Fluorite is also said to bring serenityand peace by calming the mind. It is used to enhance intuition andbring clarity to psychic readers and clairvoyants. Yttrian fluoriteis related to the heart, third eye and crown chakras.