Papagoite |
Papagoite is said to bring optimism. Historically it has been used to bring peace and purity. It helps one speak with clarity. It is also used for thought projection. In meditation, it can help bring one to a euphoric state of oneness. It is associated primarily with the third eye chakra, but also aligns all the chakras. |
Peach Aventurine |
Peach aventurine gently increases the energy of the sacral chakra. It helps with decision making and can boost creativity. Physically it is beneficial for the lungs, heart, adrenal glands and urogenital system. |
Pearl |
Pearls attune the wearer to ebb and flow of life. They are calming and centering. They give purity and promote faith, charity, and integrity, truth and loyalty. They especially enhance personal integrity. They help one connect with the Goddess, the ultimate feminine energy. Pearls have been used to treat disorders of the digestive tract and muscular systems, as well as to aid fertility and to ease childbirth. |
Pearl Aura (aka Angel Aura, Opal Aura, Rainbow Aura) |
Angel Aura Quartz is quartz that is permanently treated by fusing platinum and/or silver crystals with heat and vacuum to give it its gorgeous angelic colouring. Mystical lore counts it a stone of high spiritual energy. It is said that it is very helpful to the aura which it can protect, balance, and bring energetic health. In addition it has been said to assist in raising Kundalini energy in a gentler manner. It is used in meditation and can help one meditate on finding the proper course of action in life. It is said to help with angelic communication and communicating with Higher Self and inner wisdom. It is used by mystics to help access Akashi records and past life recall. It is said to bring peace and tranquillity because of the angelic protection it brings. Physically, mystical lore reputes that angel aura is helpful for general health, vitality, and miraculous cure of illness. Angel aura is associated primarily with the crown chakra. |
Pectolite, Blue (Larimar) |
Larimar, blue pectolite, found only in the Dominican Republic, is a stone of “answers from the sea of consciousness.” The blue colour of the larimar reflects the “sea” of all consciousness, which gives freedom from self-imposed limitations and a sense of peace in finding truth. Larimar has excellent energy for working with sea creatures of all kinds. It is particularly good for communication with dolphins. It has some ability to enhance communication in general, with other animals, as well as people. It can be used for dimensional and cellular work, and stimulates the heart and higher chakras. Being open to answers from the sea of consciousness gives a sense of serenity, love and peace. Larimar is good for calming excess energies and it balances energies. It is also used in crystal healing and folklore for healing maladies of the throat and upper respiratory system, schizophrenia. In addition, it can help one maintain ones personal energy and independence in a calm, collected fashion. Larimar is associated with the throat chakra and the Water element. |
Peridot |
Periodot is associated with the heart chakra, and can be used to balance and stimulate that chakra. It is a stone of compassion. It has a friendly energy and is excellent for healing. It assists in rebirth and renewal of all kinds. Peridot also brings abundance and prosperity. It enhances the healing and harmony of relationships of all kinds, but particularly marriage. Peridot can lessen stress in relationships, anger and jealousy, slow aging, and heal ulcers and digestive problems. It also assists in finding what is lost, and strengthens ESP abilities. It has been said to make a shield of protection around the body of any wearer of peridot. |
Petalite |
Petalite is sometimes called the “Stone of the Angels”. It is excellent for spiritual healing. It also encourages and promotes connections to angels, spirit guides and totems. It is said to lift one to higher awareness and allow access to higher dimensions. It has been used to protect Shamans during ceremonies such as medicine wheels. It is extremely useful for astral travel and meditation because it will ground and protect you during these activities. It will also dissipate and remove negative energy and black magic spells. Petalite is also a stone of peace that can bring gentle calm in most any situation. It is also great at enhancing and increasing intuition and psychic abilities, and increases ones ability to feel subtle energies. Petalite balances yin/yang energies and aligns and balances mind/body/spirit. It is related to and works best on the throat and crown chakras. |
Petoskey Stone |
Petoskey Stone is a type of fossilized colony coral found only in Michigan, USA, and the coral living during the Devonian period about 350 million years ago when Michigan had a warm inland sea. Because of the “eye” type configurations it shows especially when polished, it is said to mystically help stimulate the third eye and psychic awareness. Petoskey Stone is also said to keep naughty spirits from channelling incorrect information or interfering with ones life. In particular, as far as awareness, Petoskey Stone is said to enhance awareness of the emotions, which can be a boon for dealing with emotional issues. It is also said to clear out negative energies from the aura and the environment. Traditional healing folklore and crystal healing lore purport that Petoskey Stone is helpful for healing AIDS, Cancer, CFS, eyes, head, infections, infectious disease, lungs, skeletal system, and tumours of all kinds. Petoskey Stone is related primarily to the third eye chakra as well as the crown chakra. |
Petrified Dinosaur Bone |
Petrified or Fossilized Dinosaur Bone increases energy and memory. It has ties with the deep past, and this makes it an excellent stone for past life work. Dinosaur bone is also wonderful for calming anxiety, in particular survival anxieties. It helps, too, with communication and ability to understand communications. Physically, dinosaur bone is used for healing of paralysis, broken bones, hearing, vigour, regulation of body temperature. |
Petrified Wood |
Petrified wood is a stone that is good for grounding and stabilizing ones emotions. It is particularly useful in calming survival-based fears. It helps one be practical. It is a stone of business success. Petrified wood is a good stone for general protection. Physically, it is beneficial physically for the bones, backaches, skin and hair. Petrified wood is also used for past life regressions because of its inherent link with the past. |
Phantom Quartz |
Phantom crystals are wonderful awareness tools. They can give a sense of magic that most of us have lost along the course of our lives. Phantom crystals can help us increase awareness of evolution, in ourselves and in the world around us, showing how growth, rest, and rebirth cycle through all existence. Psychically, phantoms are considered excellent for past life work and meditation, and are valuable for the mystic or spiritual seeker. Physically, crystal healing and folk lore say that phantom crystals are excellent for initiating healing, bringing great energy to the healing process, and are especially helpful for hearing disorders and emotional healing. |
Picasso Jasper |
Picasso Marble (or Picasso Stone) is sometimes called Picasso Jasper. It has strong metaphysical qualities of grounding and calming. It also promotes weight loss and assists in the development of creativity, as well as engendering strength and self-discipline. |
Picasso Jasper (Picasso Marble) |
Picasso Marble (or Picasso Stone) is sometimes called Picasso Jasper. It has strong metaphysical qualities of grounding and calming. It also promotes weight loss and assists in the development of creativity, as well as engendering strength and self-discipline. |
Picasso Marble (Picasso Jasper) |
Picasso Marble (or Picasso Stone) is sometimes called Picasso Jasper. It has strong metaphysical qualities of grounding and calming. It also promotes weight loss and assists in the development of creativity, as well as engendering strength and self-discipline. |
Picture Jasper |
Picture jasper helps create harmony, proportion, creative visualization, positive things in business pursuits. It brings and shows hidden messages from the past as well as hidden thoughts, fears, and hopes. These qualities make it useful as an emotional/psychological healing stone. |
Pietersite (Tempeststone) |
Pietersite, sometimes known as Tempeststone, helps one see beyond the immediate to beauty in the All. It enhances courage, tenacity, and ability to maintain or create what is yours. Spiritually and psychically, pietersite helps in working with angels, experiencing visions, and precognition, relating to feminine or goddess energy, as well as astral and dimensional travel. Emotionally, pietersite helps to relax, and release deep emotions in a calmer way. Physically, pietersite balances body fluids, improves nutrition, helps with gastrointestinal functions, and helps the endocrine glands, balances female hormones, alleviates PMS and menopause symptoms. Pietersite is also excellent for improving memory. |
Pink Andean Opal (Pink Peruvian Opal) |
Pink Peruvian Opal is a stone of love and gentleness. It brings energies of gentle love and kindness to both romantic relationships and relationships of other kinds. As with other opals, it also brings inspiration, imagination and creativity. It can help release inhibitions and brings happy dreams. It also eases the process of change. Physically, pink Peruvian opal is helpful for eyesight, heart disease and injury, Parkinson’s disease, lungs, and spleen. Pink Peruvian opal is associated primarily with the heart chakra. |
Pink Calcite |
Rebuilds the heart chakra & emotional body after releasing old traumas. Is a heart crystal with strong forgiveness properties it refills the heart with love, self-love. Use it to release fear and grief that has trapped your love energy from a past incident. It is an excellent remedy to increase self-worth. It has a soft loving energy that will dissolve resistance. Pink Calcite is a stone of deep emotional healing. It is said to help one tap into the vibration of Divine love, also facilitating self-love. It is believed to help one to see the ‘silver lining’ around the clouds of life’s sorrows, and to be a comfort in times of loneliness. Heals nervous conditions, Alleviates anxiety, grief, trauma and tension and helps prevents nightmares. |
Pink Magnesium Calcite (Manganocalcite) |
Pink Manganocalcite (Pink Magnesium Calcite) is sometimes called the “Reiki Stone”. It has a gentle but powerful energy, and is an excellent complement to energy healing modalities such as Reiki and Seichim because of its excellent properties of energy magnification. It is a calming stone that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal love and self-love. It offers hope for the best. It heals inner child hurts and past abuse by filling one with a sense of motherly love. It is also excellent for channelling and astral travel, and for studying and retaining information learned. Physically, pink manganocalcite is beneficial for general health and healing, bones, joints, and physical heart issues. |
Pink Peruvian Opal (Pink Andean Opal) |
Pink Peruvian Opal is a stone of love and gentleness. It brings energies of gentle love and kindness to both romantic relationships and relationships of other kinds. As with other opals, it also brings inspiration, imagination and creativity. It can help release inhibitions and brings happy dreams. It also eases the process of change. Physically, pink Peruvian opal is helpful for eyesight, heart disease and injury, Parkinson’s disease, lungs, and spleen. Pink Peruvian opal is associated primarily with the heart chakra. |
Poppy Jasper (Brecciated Jasper) |
Poppy Jasper is the reddish variation of brecciated jasper. Sometimes it is just referred to as brecciated jasper, but the modern term is poppy jasper. It has the qualities of enhancing organizational abilities, relaxation, and a sense of wholeness. It is occasionally used to assist when dowsing. It aligns the chakras and balances the yin-yang, physical, and emotional. It is a stone of protection, and is used in particular for protection during astral travel. Poppy jasper encourages attunement and communication with animals and can help with animal allergies, plus other allergies. It brings happiness and a good outlook on life and eases stress. Poppy jasper can help increase physical endurance and ward off dehydration. It is also a good stone for grounding oneself and is associated with the root chakra. |
Porcupine Quartz (Spirit Quartz, Cactus Quartz, Spirit Crystals) |
Spirit Quartz was known as porcupine quartz or cactus quartz until it settled into its “real” name. Spirit quartz is reputed in the metaphysical lore to bring qualities of energy, peace, and positive energy to all realms. It is said to transform negative energy into positive energy, thereby being a very protective stone, and excellent for auric shielding as well as mental and physical types of protection. Spirit quartz is also excellent and often used for astral projection, dream work, shamanic journeying, and rebirthing. Emotionally it is said to remove fear, bringing emotional peace and happiness. Spirit quartz works very well with other minerals and can boost their energy as well as cleanse and activate them. Physically spirit quartz is used in traditional folklore and crystal healing lore for skin disorders, allergic reactions, colon disorders, detoxification, and obsessive disorders, familial abuse related stress disorders. Spirit quartz is associated primarily with the crown chakra, but will work to align and balance all chakras together. |
Praetorianite (Transvaal “Jade”, Massive Green Garnet) |
Transvaal “Jade” is also called Praetorianite, for the locality it comes from. It isn’t, however, a type of jade at all. It is actually a type of massive grossular green garnet. Carried by travelers to protect them from accidents while far away from home. Wearing Garnet Jewelry is believed to give guidance through the night and protection from nightmares. It is said that Noah used a Garnet lantern to navigate the Ark at night. |
Prasiolite |
Prasiolite is named for the Greek words “prason” meaning leek, and lithos “stone”, for its leek green colour. It’s also called vermarine or green amethyst, and is technically a greened amethyst. In metaphysical lore, Prasiolite is a stone of originality and courage and can foster self-reliance in all situations. Prasiolite is also a prosperity stone, said to attract abundance. It can help strengthen and express emotions as well as the mind and will. It is also said to be highly beneficial for prophesy. It is used in crystal healing for cleansing the body of toxins of all kinds, tumours, stomach acid, ulcers, assimilation of nutrients, and healing the whole body from a spiritual level. |
Prehnite |
Prehnite is a very protective stone and can protect one on all levels. It strengthens the life force and generally increases and stimulates energy, while at the same time bringing powerful calming energies. Thus, prehnite is said to ease worries and restlessness of all kinds. It aids spirit communication through meditation or visualization, out-of-body travel, and is a powerful dream stone. Prehnite is also known as a stone of prophesy which stimulates inner-knowing. Physically, prehnite is helpful in the healing of gout, anaemia, and kidney problems. |
Purperite (Purpurite) |
Purpurite (purperite) is a stone that helps break away from self-destructive or self-limiting patterns, as well as external restraints. It helps one speak with confidence. It increases spirituality, promotes inner growth, and stimulates the ability to absorb spiritual insights. Purpurite is also a stone that can bring prosperity and help with finances. Physically, purpurite is helpful for wounds, bruises, uric acid levels, and purifying the blood. |
Purple Fluorite |
Purple fluorite strengthens mystic sight, spiritual truth and can promote third eye opening. It diminishes spiritual and psychic confusion. |
Purple Opal (Opalized Fluorite, Tiffany Stone, Opal Fluorite, Bertrandite, Ice Cream Opalite) |
Tiffany Stone (aka Opalized Fluorite, Opal Fluorite, Bertrandite, Ice Cream Opalite, and Purple Opal) is a highly energetic but subtle stone. Psychically it helps with communication and interpretation of psychically received information of all kinds, including telepathic, channelled, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and others. Energetically it is excellent for removing energy blockages of the meridians and chakras. Tiffany Stone is helpful emotionally by assisting transitions during changes of all kinds, engendering persistence and emotional strength, and verbalizing hidden or secret feelings. Tiffany Stone is also beneficial for business and business success. Physically, Tiffany Stone boosts the sex drive and can enhance sexual experience, and is an all-around healing stone. Tiffany Stone is associated primarily with the third eye chakra. |
Purpurite (Purperite) |
Purpurite (purperite) is a stone that helps break away from self-destructive or self-limiting patterns, as well as external restraints. It helps one speak with confidence. It increases spirituality, promotes inner growth, and stimulates the ability to absorb spiritual insights. Purpurite is also a stone that can bring prosperity and help with finances. Physically, purpurite is helpful for wounds, bruises, uric acid levels, and purifying the blood. |
Pyrite |
Pyrite is a stone of intellect and protection. It enhances intelligence, mental stability, logic, analysis, creativity, memory, and psychic development. It can help you tap your own latent mental talents and abilities. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone, and is very grounding. Pyrite is also known as Fool’s Gold and Healer’s Gold. |
Pyromorphite |
Pyromorphite is a mineral that enhances the energies of other minerals. Pyromorphite is said to attract money and other objects of wealth, and can help one see the steps to take to achieve goals, giving it the nickname “the Victory Stone”. It also activates and stimulates ones personal energy. Pyromorphite can be used to get rid of creative blocks. It is also used to renew connections with people one has lost touch with. Pyromorphite should not be used directly to make elixirs. Pyromorphite is excellent for healing because of its enhancement of other stones used in crystal healing. Physically, pyromorphite is used for chills, gum disease, removing organisms from the blood, and assimilating B vitamins. |